ECOPROL S.R.L. is an Argentine company that produces formulated chemical products, destined to satisfy the needs of the food, meat, dairy, petrochemical, metallurgical, etc. industries.

Since 1984 our quality controls have made a difference.


ECOPROL S.R.L. It has a team of professionals dedicated to development and quality control.Raw materials and finished products are controlled under strict manufacturing standards, in order to guarantee constant quality in our products.

Raw materials and finished products are controlled under strict manufacturing standards, in order to guarantee constant quality in our products.

In the research area, our highly trained staff works on the improvement and development of new products and the optimization of line products.

Our standardized products have the approval of ANMAT, SENASA and INV, to be used in the Food Industry.

Our technicians have state-of-the-art equipment to carry out on-site analysis, application of foam products with equipment that we also provide together with the training of personnel to handle them.

ECOPROL S.R.L. carries out free surveys in different industries, to optimize sanitation operations in equipment and production areas.